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Frequently Asked Questions

If your question was not featured below, please contact your local location for more information.

I have a benefits question, how do I get it answered?

Contact Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer Service at 1-877-672-8620 (TTY 711) or visit your local ATRIO office for assistance. You can also send an email to Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer service by using the Contact Us form.

Is my doctor in network?

You can view the Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Provider Directory here. You can utilize our printable directories or our online search tool. If you need assistance in locating a provider, please contact Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer Service.

Do I need a referral to see a specialist?

Saint Mary's ATRIO does not require members to obtain a referral from their PCP to see a specialist, however some specialists may require a PCP referral before accepting a new patient into their practice.

Is my medication covered?

You can view Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans drug formularies here. You can search the formulary to see if your medication is covered. For more information regarding your medication and your cost please contact our Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer Service Team at 1-877-672-8620 (TTY 711).

Is the shingles vaccine covered?

Yes, the shingles vaccine is a covered benefit for members with Part D prescription drug coverage. The new vaccine is covered even if you have already had the old vaccine. You can read more about vaccines here.

What do I do if I get a bill from my provider that appears incorrect?

Begin by contacting Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer Service or stopping by your local ATRIO office. We can work with you to determine if your bill is inaccurate.

What should I do if a doctor is asking me to pay in full for the care I’m receiving at the time of my visit?

If you are seeking care at an approved Medicare provider, you should not be asked to pay for any services at the time of your visit as long as you are receiving “covered services”. If you are uncertain whether or not the services you are seeking are covered, or the provider of your choice does not participate with Medicare, please contact our Customer Service staff prior to your visit.

How do I authorize Saint Mary's ATRIO to speak with a person I designate?

Saint Mary's ATRIO has a Protected Health Information Disclosure Form available. If you do not have access to print this from our website, you can contact Saint Mary's ATRIO Customer Service or visit your local Saint Mary's ATRIO office to request one. Complete the form to give Saint Mary's ATRIO permission to discuss and disclose health information about you to a designated person or persons. This can include talking about your medical claims, bills, appointments, and other health-related information. Another option is to obtain a certified Power of Attorney or other legal document that your legal counsel can provide.

Why do I get so much mail from Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans?

All Medicare contracted health plans are required by the Centers for Medicare Services to use the U.S. Postal Service for certain mailings. You can contact Saint Mary’s ATRIO Health Plans Customer Service, or send us an email via our website, to ask to be removed from non-required communications.

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