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June is Men's Health Month!

  • Category: General Health
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Matt Gougler
June is Men's Health Month!

June is Men's Health Month. Shining a spotlight on men’s health makes sense, because – according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – women are 100 percent more likely than men to visit the doctor for annual examinations and preventive services men.

With the goal of helping men maximize their wellbeing, ATRIO Health Plans is sharing suggested health focuses for each decade of life.

Men in Their 20s

Studies have shown that people with a strong network of friends live longer and healthier lives than those who lack such a support system. In fact, being in a good relationship can add up to five years to your life.

Forging friendships and relationships with significant others should be a high-priority focus for men in their 20s, because this is more easily accomplished before becoming established in a career or tying the knot. Investing in friendships now will deliver long-lasting health benefits in the years to come.

Men in Their 30s

Mental health is equally as important as physical health. Depression in men often goes undiagnosed, and the onset of depression in males – on average – occurs when they are in their 30s. It’s in this decade that challenges frequently emerge, such as in the form of marital problems or work-related issues.

To help prevent stress and depression, it’s recommended that men:

  • exercise regularly;
  • get adequate sleep;
  • consume a balanced diet;
  • engage in a hobby.

Men in Their 40s

Males in their fourth decade often experience an increase in numbers associated with their body mass, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Specifically, it’s suggested that men in their 40s keep a close eye on:

  • Body mass – this is a time in life when high-calorie foods can start to show on men’s waistlines. This can be dangerous because a larger waistline heightens the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Cholesterol – men who aren’t watchful of their diet also are likely to see their cholesterol rise. Eating more fiber and a low-fat diet can help control cholesterol and decrease the chances of a stroke.
  • Blood Pressure – blood pressure, like cholesterol, should be checked near a man’s fortieth birthday; moving forward, it should be assessed at least annually – more often if it’s high.

Men in Their 50s

The fifth decade of life is the time when men’s joints, tendons, and ligaments begin to show signs of significant deterioration, often in the form of stiffness and pain following even moderate activity.

To stave off further deterioration, men are encouraged to maintain a regular exercise regime that includes stretching designed to promote flexibility and muscle mass. A regular exercise routine also will work to keep weight in control and preserve the range-of-motion capabilities needed for daily activities.

Men in Their 60s and Beyond

While many men in their 60s are likely focused on retirement, experts recommend that they also focus on:

  • Pursuing a healthy lifestyle – this includes not being overweight, having fruits and vegetables as the focal point of your diet, exercising regularly, and – if you haven’t already done so – quitting smoking for good.
  • Preserving their brain – learning keeps the brain healthy, so actively engage in problem-solving and new pursuits; avoid routine activities, and instead opt for challenging endeavors – from learning a new language to taking up ballroom dancing.
  • Keeping thoughts positive – studies have shown that you can add more than seven years to your life by having a positive attitude towards aging.
