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Having a Safe and Healthy Thanksgiving

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Having a Safe and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is next week, and for many, it's a time to share with family and friends — safely. At times, the idea of the holiday can be overwhelming and even stressful, but they don’t have to be. Here’s how to make your Thanksgiving the best one yet.

Prevent Slips and Falls

If you are visiting your loved ones and have specific safety needs, don’t feel ashamed to tell them. For instance, if you have a cane, area rugs that are not secure or loose cords lying around could be a tripping hazard. If you are hosting and have elderly family coming, make sure all walkways are clear, any handrails are sturdy, and that there is an easy way for them to get in and out of your home.

Don’t Forget to Rest

Though you might be excited to see your friends and family, don’t let it affect your health. Stick to your regular sleep schedule, and if you're tired from travel, take a nap. Your family will understand, and your health won’t suffer.

Make it a Group Effort

Remind your family that you can still be part of the festivities. Help decorate or set the table, create a new tradition, or bring your favorite dinner dish.

Keep Your Diet In Mind

Eating healthy during the holiday season is hard for anyone, but add in a restricted diet, and it can become downright stressful. If you have specific dietary restrictions, keep yourself on track by bringing a dish or snack for yourself. You should also keep hydrated and be mindful of your portion size. If you have diabetes, check your sugar and make your family aware of the signs of hypoglycemia.

Go For a Walk

After dinner, why not go for a family stroll — if you're feeling up for it, of course. This can help get your blood flowing, get some daily activity in, and create an excellent opportunity to bond with your family. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy the company.