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Top Ways to Boost Your Memory

  • Category: General Health
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  • Written By: ATRIO Health plans
Top Ways to Boost Your Memory

One of the biggest worries that occur as we age is memory loss. Though some loss is normal, and some risk factors for Dementia can’t be controlled, there are several lifestyle steps you can take to keep your brain sharp. To workout your memory, and reduce your risks of early memory loss, follow these top tips:

Take up Brain Boosting Activities

What you once thought of as a hobby could be doing more for your brain than you know. Think of your brain as a muscle. The more you work it out, the stronger it will be. Though, just like a muscle, you’ll have to choose the right workouts for you.

Activities that teach you something new, hold your full attention, works on your skill level, and are rewarding are the four key factors to look for in your activities. Some commonly popular ones include crossword puzzles, pottery, chess, or learning a new language.

Don’t Skimp on the Z’s

A lot happens in your brain while asleep. For starters, memory consolidation and vital memory-enhancing activities all occur when you’re in the deepest stages of sleep. When you don’t get the recommended 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep each night, you compromise your memory, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. If you find that getting quality sleep is an issue, try setting a regular wake and sleep time or cutting back on caffeine.

Stay Social

By nature, we are social animals. Though you probably know that staying social and getting out is better for your emotional health, it’s also beneficial for your brain health, too.Studies show it leads to a slower rate of memory loss. Whether you have a weekly lunch outing with friends and family or join a club, these activities can help your memory.

Not to mention, when you share a good laugh with the ones you love, multiple parts of your brain are engaged, especially those vital to learning and creativity.

Taking Steps to Support Memory

When your memory becomes fuzzy or starts to slip, your first thought may be dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, several other issues can impact your mind. Heart disease, diabetes, and hormonal changes are just a few. Being open and honest with your doctor and discussing any new symptoms you find can help spot any health issues early on, while they are easier to treat.