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How To Stay Mentally Healthy During Social Distancing

How To Stay Mentally Healthy During Social Distancing

Social Distancing and Mental Health

Adjusting to social distancing is undoubtedly challenging as we aren’t used to being confined to our homes. It’s normal to feel anxious and stressed, especially when there are so many uncertainties in lieu of the coronavirus outbreak. Here are some tips on how you can stay mentally healthy while we continue to socially distance ourselves to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Practice Mindfulness

While it may seem hard to live in the present, practicing mindfulness can help calm the fear and anxiety associated with uncertainty. You can practice mindfulness by:

  • Take three to four slow, deep breaths when feeling anxious.
  • Make time throughout the day to take a break and to relax.
  • Let your mind wander by thinking positive thoughts.
  • Get lost in a favorite pastime or hobby.
  • Think of all the things you are grateful for and write them down.

Find Ways to Reduce Stress Levels

In addition to practicing mindfulness, finding ways to reduce stress levels can keep you grounded and relaxed. The following activities can be a great way to calm your mind:

  • Read a book.
  • Watch a funny show or movie.
  • Spend time with your pet.
  • Color or draw.
  • Try a new recipe.
  • Connect with family and friends through video chats and phone calls.

Social media and newscasts are inundated with news surrounding COVID-19. While it’s essential to stay informed, consuming too much news can increase stress levels. Taking breaks can help improve your mood and limit your feelings of anxiousness.

Stay Active

When staying home, it can be easy to get into a sedentary rut. Remaining physically active not only helps to support immune function, but it also releases endorphins that can help to improve your mood and mental health. Here are some things you can do at home to stay active:

  • Take an online exercise class such as yoga or Zumba.
  • Tend to your garden.
  • Finish yard work projects or start a new one.
  • Go for a walk in your neighborhood (keeping social distancing in mind).

If you are working from home, be sure to take breaks. Stretching after sitting for long periods of time can help improve circulation and your mood.

Staying Positive

While staying at home is necessary during these times to keep you physically healthy, it’s also critical to stay mentally fit as well. Practicing mindfulness, staying active, and finding enjoyable ways to reduce stress levels can help you cope with social distancing.