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Making 2020 the Healthiest Year Yet

  • Category: General Health
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  • Written By: ATRIO Health Plans
Making 2020 the Healthiest Year Yet

Ways to Keep Wellness in Mind in 2020

With almost a month down in 2020, we want to ensure everyone is still working on making this year one of the healthiest they’ve had in a while. Though not all health issues can be prevented, and some days might be worse than others, with a positive mindset and a few daily routine changes, you can improve your mental and physical health.

There are a lot of ways we can work daily to keep our minds sharp, our diet healthy, and joints more mobile than the day before. So if you want to start each day on the right foot, keep these healthy tips in mind:

Workout Your Mind

When we think of our health, we often think of our physical health (muscle aches, pains, etc.). But what about your mental health? When we think of our brain as a muscle and use it as such, we can become stronger in more ways than we realize. Certain daily activities can help slow the rate in which your brain ages. It’s a key part of memory loss and one thing that many might be doing daily without even realizing it!

Some common ways to keep your mind sharp include:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Taking on a new hobby
  • Going for walks with friends and family
  • Volunteering
  • Keeping your doctor aware of your symptoms

Even doing your daily crossword puzzle could be considered a mental workout. Just be sure that any new task you take on holds your interest and consistently increases your skillset.

Read more on ways to work out your memory in our Top Ways to Boost Your Memory Blog.

Keep Your Health Resolutions

Another key to a healthy new year is setting goals and objectives for yourself. Though many of us hope to see these goals and resolutions through to the end of the year, more often than not we fall short. However, with the right planning, you can get through 2020 with a sense of accomplishment. When going through your resolutions list, consider:

Start with smaller goals: Remember that any trackable task, even the littlest thing like walking an extra minute each day, can all be considered reachable goals.

Don’t start full speed: Failure often comes when people jump into something full force, without giving themselves time to adjust. For instance, no one starts running a marathon, you train and gradually work up your stamina to get there. So think of your resolutions as your marathon. Start with a simple part of your goal and gradually increase to where you want to be. Doing so will leave you less likely to quit.

Do it with a friend: Social activity is not only good for your mental health, but it also keeps you accountable. By discussing your resolutions with family or friends, you make them part of it. This will not only make it harder to break your plans but will make them more enjoyable, too.

Don’t Forget Your Diet

A healthy diet helps increase energy, provide our bodies with the fuel we need to get through the day, and is a great way to keep yourself at a healthy weight. Excess weight can put extra stress on your joints, leading to additional pain and discomfort. It can also increase your risk for certain disease, like diabetes. Though changing up your diet might seem intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. Adding a vegetable to each meal, avoiding specific triggers, or adding in a few superfoods can all be a great start.

For more tips on eating for better health, read » Eating Your Way to Better Health and Wellness

Practice Prevention

Now that you’ve tackled your mental workout, you’ve considered ways to stick to your resolutions, and you’ve found ways to improve your diet, the next step to a good year is through germ prevention. Winter air holds tight to viruses and leaves them lingering longer than the warmer months would, increasing your chances of catching an illness.

To protect yourself from illness and complication, you’ll want to discuss with your doctor the best course for vaccines. A yearly flu shot is recommended for anyone six months of age or older. And for those 65 or older, a pneumococcal vaccine to prevent pneumonia might be recommended.

It’s also vital to keep your daily habits in mind. If you aren’t feeling well or are showing signs of the flu or a cold, it's best to stay home. If family or friends are showing signs of sickness or illness, avoid close interactions. Wash your hands often and be mindful of when you touch your face and nose.

Read on for more of our Winter Illness Prevention Tips.

Consider Getting More Rest

Your immune system can’t be fully supported if you’re not getting the proper rest you need. It’s essential to listen to your body and ensure that you get enough sleep to keep you alert, aware, and happy each day. For some, that might mean the recommended 8 hours; for others, it could also require taking a quick 20-30 minute nap each day. Either way, if you’re yawning or having trouble keeping your eyes open, your body is telling you it needs more rest. Though more sleep won’t necessarily prevent you from illness, lack of it could lower your immune system and put you at risk. Not to mention, a nap improves your mental function and mood, too.