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Preventing Illness in the Winter Months

  • Category: General Health
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  • Written By: ATRIO Health Plans
Preventing Illness in the Winter Months

Getting Through Winter Illness Free

The next few months could mean the fear of getting a sniffle, cold, or something more. Though many might find themselves staying indoors more than they’d like to, there are a few protective measures you can take daily to ensure you are going about your day-to-day with top germ prevention in mind so you can have a healthy winter season.

Fight Off The Flu

The flu is caused by the influenza virus and is seriously contagious, making it vital to take certain preventive measures. For instance, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly flu vaccine for anyone six months or older.

For those 65 years or older, or who have certain health conditions such as heart or lung disease, the risk of severe complications from the virus is higher, especially when not vaccinated against the flu.

Know When to Stay Indoors

If you’ve already received the flu shot, don’t forget to wash your hands often with soap and water, and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Many viruses (including the flu) are spread from person to person through droplets from a cough, sneeze, or even talking. These droplets may also linger on surfaces or objects. If someone touches that surface or object and then puts their hands near their eye, nose, or mouth, the virus can spread.

If you have flu or cold-like symptoms, it's best to stay indoors until they subside. When in a large crowd or out and about, try to avoid contact with others that may be sick and be sure to always cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Fuel Your Body With Seasonal Veggies

One of the most enjoyable ways you can fight against infection and illness is through your diet! Fill your diet with some of your favorite winter veggies and fruit such as broccoli, beets, and carrots. They are loaded with vitamins and can easily be frozen and used when needed.

Consider Adding in Some Tea

Studies show that those who regularly drink tea might have a healthier heart as they age.Try adding in black or green tea, as they are known to have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Start replacing your daily cup of coffee for a new tea flavor or enjoy a cup with your lunch.

When you eat better, you feel better and your immune system is properly supported, too.

Talk to Your Doctor About Further Preventive Measure

For those with chronic illness, your doctor may suggest other preventive measures during the flu and cold season. If you are feeling under the weather or have a lingering cough or stuffy nose, it’s always best to talk to your doctor and get looked at before it worsens.

Don’t forget to get your yearly physical too, doing so will allow you to know your risks, and help you better understand ways you can improve your diet and daily activity so your winter can be healthy as can be.