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How To Prepare for The Ease of COVID-19 Restrictions

How To Prepare for The Ease of COVID-19 Restrictions

Staying Safe During the Ease of COVID-19 Restrictions

While we all want to get “back to normal” in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we should still proceed with caution before jumping right back into our former daily habits. It’s especially important for those who are at high risk, such as older adults and those who have compromised immune systems, to be extra cautious despite the ease of restrictions. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind.

Keep Frequent Hand Washing at Top of Mind

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), COVID-19 droplets are spread from person to person or through touching common surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops. Frequently washing your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds can help prevent the spread of germs, including the coronavirus. If soap and water are not accessible, and you must use an alcohol-based sanitizer, ensure that it contains at least 60% alcohol.

Don’t Forgo Wearing a Mask Just Yet

Even though some states are lifting restrictions, it’s still important to be mindful that the coronavirus has not been completely eliminated and can still be spread in the ways mentioned above. Wearing a mask or face covering can help you stay protected if you must go out in public. Make sure that your mask is worn properly as it should:

  • Fit snugly and comfortably against the side of your face
  • Be secure around your ears
  • Have multiple layers of fabric
  • Allows you to breath without restriction

Continue to Practice Social Distancing

Whenever possible, it may still be a good idea to stay at home and practice social distancing. If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet away from others as well as wear the proper safety gear mentioned above.

By taking the proper safety measures, you can help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 as pandemic restrictions are eased.