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How to Have a Diabetes-Friendly Thanksgiving

How to Have a Diabetes-Friendly Thanksgiving

Building Healthier Habits this Fall

With the holidays being food-centric, it can be hard on those living with diabetes. In recognition of American Diabetes Month, the health experts at ATRIO share some tips to help you enjoy the festivities while keeping your health in mind.

Pre-Plan Your Plate

It is especially important for those living with type 1 diabetes to pay attention to how much they’re eating during the holidays. This is because you have to pay close attention to ensure that the amount of food they’re eating matches how much insulin they’ve taken, especially when it comes to carbohydrates.

One of the best ways to get ahead of this is to know what’s being served beforehand so you can pre-plan how much you’re going to eat. If you’re not celebrating the holiday at home, speak with your host so you can plan accordingly.

Bring Something You Can enjoy

Because starchy foods and carbohydrates are common during this food-centric holiday, that doesn’t mean you have to go hungry. Bring sides that you enjoy that also keep your health in mind! Some diabetes-friendly sides to share include:

  • Green beans
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Beets
  • Fruit salad
  • Applesauce
  • Low-carb stuffing

Check Your Blood Sugar Throughout the Night

While you may know your normal routine of how your blood sugar changes throughout the day with your normal diet, it is important to check your levels regularly throughout Thanksgiving dinner and the rest of the evening. Because you may be a little more lax than usual during the holidays, this can significantly affect your blood sugar levels.

Be sure to check your levels before, during, and 2 hours after dinner to track how your body is responding to the meal.

If you have any additional questions or concerns when it comes to managing your diabetic condition over the holidays, be sure to speak with your primary care doctor or your diabetes health care team.