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Health Benefits of Staying Active at Every Age

Health Benefits of Staying Active at Every Age

Exercise is Important for Everyone

The health benefits of staying active and fit are well-documented and include everything from reducing the risk of chronic diseases to improving mental health.

However, many people find it challenging to stick to a regular fitness routine. After all, life gets in the way, and it's easy to let your fitness goals fall by the wayside.

The truth is that making fitness a priority is an excellent way to improve your overall well-being and decrease your risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It can also boost your quality of life and improve your social relationships.

As a senior, ensuring your children, grandchildren, or even great-grandchildren get enough exercise in their day is important, too! After all, engaging in activities as a family is a good way to make the process fun for everyone.

In honor of Move More Month, we'll cover the health benefits of keeping a regular fitness routine throughout various stages of life.

Physical Fitness for Children

Physical fitness is an important part of a child's development, and it's never too early to start incorporating fitness into their lives. Even toddlers and preschoolers can benefit from active play sessions that encourage running and jumping.

Physically active children tend to have better overall health, improved mental health, and stronger bones and muscles. Gross motor skills are vital for adulthood, and now is the time to work at developing them. Older kids even typically get better grades in school when they're active.

There are many ways to get children moving, from signing them up for a sports team to taking them for a family walk after dinner. Cranking up the music and dancing around the living room for twenty minutes counts, too!

Exercise for Teens and Young Adults

As you would expect, exercise is an essential part of staying healthy for teenagers and young adults. It helps improve mood, builds body strength, and helps set good habits for later in life.

For some, the endorphins created by regularly engaging in physical activities can also help with puberty's emotional and hormonal woes. It's also an excellent counter for those pesky growing pains.

There are many ways for teens and college students to get exercise, from playing sports to going for a walk around the block with the family dog. And don't feel as though you have to stick with a traditional activity. Many teens enjoy activities like horseback riding lessons or taking a yoga class. Find something they enjoy doing, and make it a regular part of their routine.

Trying to connect with your teenage grandkids? Consider taking part in some of these activities with them or just making it a regular weekly habit to go for a stroll together.

Importance of Movement for Adults

Adulthood makes it increasingly necessary to stay active. Exercise and movement help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, minimize stress, and keep muscles strong.

In fact, adults who have a regular workout routine often report better self-confidence, improved personal relationships, and an increased sense of self-worth. They also have less frequent occurrences of mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

When it comes to staying active, adults have many options, including joining a gym, going for walks, or playing sports. Golfing with friends, attending an outdoor yoga class, or training for a 5K are just a few great ideas.

As seniors, expressing to your adult children or grown grandchildren about the importance of physical movement is crucial. Not only does this improve their wellness physically, but it can also improve their mental health and reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Having a Physical Routine in Middle Age

Physical fitness is just as essential for those in their middle-aged years as it is earlier in life. Exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mental health, and keep muscles strong—all super vital factors to consider as you near retirement.

Like other stages in life, the key to remaining physically active includes finding an enjoyable activity and incorporating it as part of a healthy daily routine. After all, the more joy one finds in a specific hobby, the more likely they are to keep doing it.

One common factor that keeps many from engaging in physical fitness is an injury or chronic pain at this point in their lives. If this is something that someone you love deals with regularly, it is important for them to discuss their situation with a doctor and determine how becoming more active is possible for their unique needs.

Seniors Get Moving

As seniors age, it becomes increasingly important to stay active. Exercise can help reduce your risk of conditions like osteoporosis. Those who regularly keep fit also report fewer occurrences of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and memory loss.

There are many ways for those in their golden years to stay active, including joining a gym, going for daily walks, or attending local aerobics classes designed specifically for seniors. There’s also the option to take up swimming, try out yoga, or purchase a bicycle. Some local groups even utilize augmented reality (AR) technology for virtual workouts.

Even if you’re in your nineties or older, you can find small ways to enjoy physical activity that meets your current health level and improves your overall well-being. Look around for local groups that cater to the needs of older adults and provide opportunities to move more through fun activities.

Wrap Up: Physical Fitness Benefits Throughout Life

Physical fitness is essential for everyone at every stage of life. By staying active and incorporating fitness into your routine, you can enjoy better overall health, stronger bones and muscles, and reduced risk of chronic disease. Get moving today!

For more information on health plans from ATRIO Health Plans, please contact us at (877) 672-8620.