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Important Immunizations for Seniors

Important Immunizations for Seniors

Vaccines for Aging Adults

As we get older, our immune systems naturally begin to decline — making it essential to ensure that we are up-to-date on our vaccinations. Some vaccines are recommended for seniors, depending on their health and lifestyle.

Some of the vaccines that seniors should consider include:


The CDC recommends that all seniors get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. This is because the risk of hospitalization and death from this virus increases with age. Seniors aged 65 years and older account for 80% of all deaths from COVID-19 in the United States.

There are a few different vaccines available for seniors, so it's important to talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. But regardless of which vaccine you get, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and those around you.


Seniors are at a higher risk for seasonal flu (influenza) complications, so it's essential to get vaccinated every year. The flu can be especially dangerous for seniors, leading to other serious health complications such as pneumonia.

Seniors need to get a flu vaccine every year. This is because the flu virus constantly changes, with new strains being discovered annually. Seniors should get their vaccines from their doctor or a local pharmacy.


Pneumonia can be a serious illness for seniors causing a severe lung infection. It is one of the leading causes of death in this age group. Vaccines help protect against this disease; seniors need to be aware of them.

The pneumococcal vaccine helps protect against bacteria that can cause pneumonia. As mentioned above, the flu vaccine can also help prevent this infection. These vaccines are essential for seniors to have to reduce their risk of developing this potentially deadly disease.


This vaccine can help prevent shingles, a painful virus that can cause severe complications in seniors. Shingles is a painful rash that can lead to complications such as pneumonia and meningitis. The shingles vaccine is recommended for people aged 60 and over. Two types of vaccines are available: the live attenuated virus (Zostavax) vaccine and the recombinant zoster vaccine (Shingrix).

Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap)

Tdap is a vaccine that can help protect against whooping cough, a highly contagious disease that can be deadly for seniors. The CDC recommends that all adults over 65 get the Tdap vaccine.

Vaccines & Routine Physicals

These are just a few of the vaccines that seniors should consider. Talk to your doctor to find out which vaccines are right for you. Be sure to schedule your routine physical exam to stay on top of your health!