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Traveling With Alzheimer's

Traveling With Alzheimer's

5 Ways to Make Travelling Easier for Alzheimer’s Patients

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and loved ones to get together. For those with Alzheimer's, the holiday season can be difficult, and traveling may be hard for them to understand and cope with. Here are some tips for loved ones and caregivers to use when helping patients with Alzheimer's travel

1. Make sure to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time.

Rushing around will only make things more complicated and stressful for you and your family. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s often means a lot of planning and thinking, so this may not be new. Be sure to have a mapped-out plan of your travel, including arranging rides to and from the airport if necessary, information on accommodations, and more.

2. Keep your plans simple and easy to follow.

Alzheimer's can make it hard to process information, so the simpler, the better. This means that it’s best to take the course of travel that has the least amount of stops, changes, or stressors. Even if that means choosing a non-stop airfare at a higher price over one with a layover — the fewer steps, the more accessible.

3. Bring along any supplies that you might need.

Before you head out for your travel, make sure to gather anything your loved one may need along the way. This includes a list of emergency contacts, phone numbers for doctors, personal items that help ground your loved one, and any medication they may need.

4. Be prepared for changes in your plans.

Alzheimer's can cause confusion and disorientation, so things may not go as smoothly as you'd like. With any major travel plan, it’s essential to be flexible and go with the flow. However, be sure to prepare to share the changes in plans with your loved one, so they aren’t confused.

5. Take some time to relax and enjoy yourself.

Alzheimer's can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Make sure to take breaks and give yourself some time to recharge. Whether that means finding a great movie to watch on the plane, stopping on a long road trip to take in the scenery, or having a good meal.

Following these tips can make traveling with Alzheimer's a little bit easier for everyone involved. With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip.