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The Importance of Preventive Care for Seniors

The Importance of Preventive Care for Seniors

Growing old is part of life, and aging gracefully is a priority for most seniors. However, as we age, the risk of developing chronic diseases increases. To combat the dangers of illness, seniors should recognize the importance of seeking preventive care.

Preventive care measures are necessary to help seniors prevent health issues, detect early symptoms, and manage conditions before they escalate. Today, ATRIO Health Plans will highlight preventive care options seniors should embrace, their importance, and how they can access them, including those that are low-cost or free for those with insurance.

Tips for Seeking Proactive Healthcare

Book An Annual Wellness Visit

Annual wellness visits involve physical examinations, screenings, and health assessments that can help detect early-stage illnesses. Seniors should prioritize yearly physicals, including blood tests, cholesterol screenings, and blood pressure checks. Most healthcare plans we offer fully cover one free wellness visit per year.


The immune system weakens with age, making seniors more susceptible to infections. Vaccinations are an essential part of senior preventive care. Recommended vaccinations for seniors include annual flu shots, pneumococcal vaccines, and shingles vaccines. Contact our team today to learn more about our coverage for flu and pneumococcal vaccines.

Prioritize Nutrition & Visit a Nutritionist

Nutrient deficiencies are common in seniors and can lead to various health problems. Seniors must consistently take vitamins and supplements as their healthcare provider or nutritionist recommends. A balanced diet with whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables can provide essential nutrients for optimal health.

Focus On Cognitive Health

Preventive care for seniors involves screening for early signs of cognitive decline. Cognitive health screenings can detect early signs of memory loss and allow seniors to seek treatment. One popular cognitive assessment tests seniors' memory, language, and spatial skills, enabling healthcare professionals to identify concerns before they become significant.

Consult with Your Doctor About Tips for Better Sleep

Quality sleep is critical for seniors' overall health and well-being. Our sleep patterns can change as we age, making falling and staying asleep more difficult. Seniors should make a concerted effort to optimize their sleep environment, practice good sleep hygiene habits, and seek medical equipment or suggestions if they have trouble sleeping.

Early Detection of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic condition that affects a person's memory and overall cognitive function. Preventive care for seniors must include regular testing for early signs of Alzheimer's. Standard tests for detecting Alzheimer's include blood testing, PET scans, and MRIs. Early detection of Alzheimer's can allow seniors to seek treatments and support during the early stages.

Cancer Screenings

Early detection is critical in cancer treatment, so having regular screenings can save your life. Regular screenings for colon, breast, cervical, and prostate cancer are essential to preventive care for seniors. Most of our insurance plans cover or offer routine cancer screenings at affordable prices.

Eye and Ear Health

As we age, changes in vision and hearing occur gradually. Routine eye and ear exams help detect issues early enough for prompt treatment. It's recommended that seniors check their eyes and ears at least once a year.

Many eye diseases, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, can be prevented or managed with regular eye exams. It is recommended that seniors get their eyes checked every year or two to maintain their vision and overall eye health.

Hearing loss is prevalent among seniors, affecting almost 1 in 4 adults aged 65-74. Regular hearing exams can help identify and manage hearing loss. Treating hearing loss can improve communication and socialization, leading to a better quality of life.

At ATRIO Health Plans, our healthcare plans cover much, if not all, the cost of eye exams, while coverage for hearing tests and aids varies depending on the type of insurance coverage. Feel free to reach out anytime to learn more about your specific coverage.

Prioritize Mental Health

Senior citizens may experience many mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and memory loss. Mental health is as important as physical health, and seniors must prioritize their mental well-being as much as they do physical health. We offer coverage for depression screenings, counseling, therapy, and psychological assessments.

Exercise & Stay Active

As we age, our body loses muscle mass, which makes it harder to perform simple tasks such as walking or standing up. Regular exercise can help improve muscle strength and mobility, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. Senior-friendly activities such as walking, swimming, or yoga can improve cognitive function, support the immune system, and keep the heart healthy. Consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Maintain Strong Bones

Osteoporosis is a common condition among seniors that can lead to hip fractures and other complications. Preventive care for bone health includes eating a balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. Your doctor may recommend supplements or medications to prevent bone loss. Regular screenings such as bone density tests can help detect early signs of bone loss, allowing for timely intervention.

Don't Let Joint Pain Slow You Down

Joint pain can make daily activities challenging and affect mobility. Seniors should not ignore persistent joint pain but seek medical attention promptly. Preventive care for joint pain includes maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and avoiding activities that put undue pressure on the joints. Over-the-counter pain medications and ice packs may provide temporary relief, but a doctor's evaluation is necessary to address the underlying cause of chronic joint pain.

Eat Well for A Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among seniors, making heart-healthy eating an essential aspect of preventive care. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and lean protein sources can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Reducing salt and sugar intake and avoiding saturated and trans fats can promote heart health. Regular cholesterol and blood pressure checks can detect early signs of heart problems, allowing for prompt intervention.

Care Coordination

Preventive care, which can be complex and cumbersome, requires trained professionals to manage these activities. Healthcare professionals manage comprehensive evaluations for seniors and provide the necessary support for seniors to achieve optimal health and well-being. Care coordination includes using electronic health records, coordination with specialists, and prevention strategies to avoid serious illnesses.

Need Preventive Healthcare? ATRIO Is Ready to Help!

Preventive care for senior citizens is essential to maintaining good health, improving the quality of life, and reducing healthcare costs. Seniors must take proactive measures to safeguard their health by embracing preventive care. Good health habits and regular check-ups can help prevent diseases and manage existing health problems. The best part: Many preventive care services are low-cost or covered entirely by many insurance plans covered by ATRIO Health Plans.

Want to learn more about preventive care? Want to book a physical with your PCP? Need healthcare assistance? Call ATRIO Health Plans at (877) 672-8620 today!