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Coping with an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Coping with an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be overwhelming and scary, a new future of unknowns and challenges for you and your loved ones. Knowing how to cope after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be daunting, making it even more important to remember you are not alone. In honor of World Alzheimer’s Month, we take the time to continue conversations about the progressive disease. Here are some tips on coping with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

Tips for A Person Suffering from Dementia

Your journey is your own, and what may work for one person may not work for you. But these tips are a great starting place to find what works best.

Ask Questions

Alzheimer’s is a complex disease, so it’s difficult to know what will happen and how to best equip yourself for the future. Ask your doctor all questions you may have and any concerns so that you can be better prepared.

Make a List of Tasks That Have Become More Challenging

Some tasks may be more challenging than others. Make a list of the more difficult tasks so you can create strategies to help you cope with and accomplish these tasks. By prioritizing strategies for these difficult tasks, you can find effective ways to achieve them. Some of these tasks may not be necessary to do alone. Rely on others if a task is too difficult to do alone.

Develop a Daily Routine

Make a daily routine of realistic goals to help you accomplish the tasks you want each day. The schedule can make you more successful in achieving your daily goals with less frustration in figuring out what needs to be done.

Remain Engaged and Active

A healthy lifestyle can improve your mental health and your quality of life. Regular physical activity such as walking, a balanced diet, and good sleep can improve your mood each day and even help slow cognitive decline.

Rely on Your Support System

You are not alone. Your family, friends, caregivers, and pets are there for you. Asking for help can help you maintain your independence and remain in control of your diagnosis.

Tips for Alzheimer's Disease Caregivers and Family Members

As a family member or caregiver of someone who has Alzheimer's, it can be challenging to support them and know what to do to help. As with tips for people who have Alzheimer’s, nothing is universal, but attempting these tips can help you find the best strategies to cope.

Educate Yourself

Take the time to learn about Alzheimer’s. Speak with healthcare professionals, ask questions, learn about safety tips, and attend caregiving support groups to prepare yourself for the diagnosis better. Understanding the behaviors of people with Alzheimer’s can help you better serve their needs that they might not be able to communicate.

Set Realistic, Attainable Goals

Not everything will be perfect, and you can’t fix everything. Set goals for yourself that you can achieve to allow yourself to enjoy time together and find contentment in the success of these goals you set for yourself.

Reach out for Help

You don’t have to solve everything on your own. Rely on your support systems to maintain your strength. Ask others for help if you feel you can’t handle what you are taking on. It is not a sign of weakness. Consider attending therapy or group support to help you cope and manage your stress.

Enjoy the Good Times

Despite the challenges of Alzheimer’s, there will be moments of love and joy. Enjoy these moments and reminisce about the good memories of the past to help your strength and resilience.

Take Time for Yourself

Your happiness is essential. Take time for yourself to relax and enjoy your hobbies. It can help you take better care of your loved ones and support them.

ATRIO Health Plans is Here to Help

Alzheimer’s disease is a difficult journey for everyone involved. At ATRIO Health Plans, we can help you prepare with the right resources, support, and care. The right medical plan is vital to ensuring you and your loved ones get the care they need.

Learn more online or get started by calling (877) 672-8620